
3 A Gentle Grieving Farewell Kiss
2 Am Wasserfall
2 Das blau-kristallne Kämmerlein
6 Die Schwäne im Schilf
5 Dying Brokenhearted
1 Fortgang
1 Fossegrim
3 Heimwärts
2 Kein Hirtenfeuer glimmt mehr
7 Many Moons Ago...
4 Moonromanticism
4 Mourners
2 Nachhall
2 Nebel
5 The Blue Mists of Night
4 The Ensemble of Silence
4 The Franconian Woods in Winter's Silence
4 The Shepherd and the Maiden Ghost
5 Under Dreamskies
4 Waldpoesie
2 When Shadows Grow Longer
5 When Shadows Grow Longer 99
4 Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays

1 A Cappella
3 A Pastoral Theme
2 Abendrot
1 Am Wolkensteig
3 Autumn Grey Views
1 Der Nix
1 Der Weiher
1 Die Schwäne im Schilf (edit)
2 Introduction: Astrum Luciferi
2 Lover's Grief
1 Many Moons ago..
3 Midnight, Moonlight and a Dark Romance
3 My Nocturnal Queen
2 Ode to Melancholy
3 Ordain'd to Thee
3 Outroduction
3 The Sad Song of the Wind
2 The Yearning
2 Wehmut