Dream Theater In the Name of God

How can this be? Why is he the chosen one?
Saint gone astray with a scepter and a gun
Learn to believe in the mighty and the strong
Come bleed the beast, follow me it won't be long

Listen when the prophet speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Passion twisting faith into violence
In the name of God

Straight is the path leading to your salvation
Slaying the weak, ethnic elimination
Any day we'll all be swept away
You'll be saved as long as you obey

Lies, the tools of the devil inside
Written in Holy disguise
Meant to deceive and divide us all

Listen when the prophet speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Passion twisting faith into violence
In the name of God

Blurring the lines between virtue and sin
They can't tell where God ends and mankind begins
They know no other life but this
From the cradle they are claimed

Listen when the prophet speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Passion twisting faith into violence
In the name of God

Hundreds of believers lured into a doomsday cult
All would perish in the name of God
Self-proclaimed messiah led his servants to their death
Eighty murdered in the name of God

Forty sons and daughters un-consenting plural wives
Perversions in the name of God
Underground religion turning toward the mainstream light
Blind devotion in the name of God

Justifying violence citing from the Holy Book
Teaching hatred in the name of God

[Instrumental section]

Listen when the prophet speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Passion twisting faith into violence
In the name of God
In the name of God

Religious beliefs - fanatic obsession
Does following faith lead us to violence?
Unyielding crusade - divine revelation
Does following faith lead us to violence?

Mine eyes have seen the glory
of the coming of the Lord
he is trampling out the vintage
where the grapes of wrath are stored
he had loosed the fateful lightning
of his terrible swift sword
his truth is marching on.

glory, glory, hallelujah
glory, glory, hallelujah
glory, glory, hallelujah...

Ako to len môže byť?
Prečo je on ten Vyvolený?
Svätí odišli zvádzať na zlé cesty
so žezlom a so zbraňou.

Uč sa veriť v moci a sile.
Príď, vykrvácaj šelma.
Nasleduj ma, nebude to dlho.

ref.: Počúvaj, keď prorok k tebe hovorí.
Zabíjanie v mene Boha.
Umučenie prevracia vieru v násilie.
V mene Boha.

Priamo vpred je cesta, ktorá ťa vedie ku spáse.
Vyvraždenie slabých, etnická likvidácia.
V ktorýkoľvek deň my všetci budeme uchvátený
a ty budeš zachránený tak dlho, ako budeš poslúchať.
Klamstvá - nástroje diabla vo vnútri
napísané v svätej pretvárke.
Určené, aby nás všetkých podvádzali a rozdelili.


Rozmazané hranice medzi cnosťou a hriechom
Nemôžu povedať, kde Boh končí a ľudstvo začína.
Nepoznajú iný život okrem tohto,
od kolísky sú presviedčaný...

--------------------- INSTRUMENTAL PART ------------------------

... Stovky veriacich vábia do kultu Dňa Posledného Súdu.
Všetci chcú zomrieť v meno Boha.
Samozvaný mesiáš vedie svojich služobníkov do smrti,
80 zavraždených v meno Boha.
40 synov a dcér, neplnoleté manželky
perverznosti v mene Boha.
Skryté náboženstvo obracia vpred do hlavného svetla
zaslepená oddanosť v mene Boha.

Ospravedlnujúce násilie citované zo svätej knihy
učia nenávisť v mene Boha.