Neil Young & Crazy Horse Surfer Joe and Moe the Sleaze

Here's a story 'bout Surfer Joe. He caught the big one, but he let it go.
There's somebody satisfied with winning.
Back on the boardwalk, there's Moe the Sleaze. He sells his things, and aims to please.
He's almost even, but he don't mind a handout.

Come on down for a pleasure cruise
We're all going on a pleasure cruise
Come on down for a pleasure cruise
Plenty of women, plenty of booze

Give your ticket to Moe the Sleaze. He's the one that's weak in the knees.
His pants are baggy, but you can see them shaking.
I'll introduce you to Surfer Joe. He may be there; I really don't know.
We can smoke garfong, and watch him ride the big one.