Tenacious D Drive-Thru

[JB:] Kage.
[KG:] Yeah?
[JB:] Let's go to the drive-thru.
[KG:] Oh good, im starvin'.

[vroom noise]

[EMPLOYEE (KG)]: May I help you?
[JB:] Yeah, um, uh.
[EMP:] Can I have your order?
[JB:] Yeah, hold on a second im looking at the menu.
[EMP:] Ok.
[JB:] ...ummm.
[EMP:] Would you like seasoned curly fries?
[JB:] Please, don't, dont offer me anything. I'll tell YOU want I want.
[EMP:] Ok.
[JB:] Um.. ok.. you know how you've got the six piece nuggets?
[EMP:] Yes, six piece chicken nuggets.
[JB:] Just, uh, can you just give me four nuggets? Im trying to-
[EMP:] It comes in six or twelve piece. Would you like to try them?
[JB:] Shut up and listen to my order. Take the six nuggets, and throw two of them away I'm just wanting a four nugget thing. I'm trying to watch my calory intake
[EMP:] It comes in six or twelve piece.
[JB:] Put two of them up your ass, and give me four chicken mcnuggets.
[EMP:] Allright, four six piece nuggets.
[JB:] And then um... can I have a Junior Western Bacon Chee. A JUNIOR Western Bacon Chee, I'm tryin' to watch my figure.
[EMP:] Western Bacon Cheeseburger.
[JB:] A JUNIOR Western Bacon Chee
[EMP:] Would you like that with onions?
[JB:] ...No onions... um...
[EMP:] Ok Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, twelve piece chicken nuggets.
[JB:] And um.. I'm gonna' go with a filet of fish sandwich, since that has less calories cause it has less calories because it's fish.
[EMP:] Filet o' Fish.
[JB:] Now if you could take a Coca-Cola and just go half Coca-Cola, half Diet-Coke cause' I'm trying to watch my figure. Tryin' to loose some of the weight.
[EMP:] Uh.. you want half Coca-Cola half Diet-Coke?
[JB:] Um... and a SMALL, a SMALL chocolate shake. Because I'm trying to watch my figure. not a large, a small.
[EMP:] It comes in medium-small or medium-large. Small chocolate shake.
[JB:] Um also a small seasoned curlys. Small seasoned curlys.
[EMP:] OK I got small season's curleys, western bacon cheeseburger.
[JB:] Ummm... fuck my ass what else. Give me uhh.. alright cherrys jubilee and thats it.
[EMP:] $10.01.
[JB:] Wait. Kage what do you want?
[KG:] Uhhh. Geez... let me have uhh... I think I want the regular western bacon cheeseburger, large shake, seasoned curlys.
[JB:] Oh GOD. Come on with the order. Take forever!
[KG:] That's all I want, that's all I want.
[JB:] GOOD. Ok. How much is that sir?
[EMP:] That will be $14.75 at the window please, please drive up.
[JB:] (To KG) Do you have any money?
[KG:] Oh shoot... umm yeah I got like. Uhhh...
[JB:] Give it to me.. Alright Here... Ok... we only have, umm... alright I'm gonna need to cancel the last two things on the order. Ok thank you. let's go.

[vroom noise]