
6 Freetime
2 Hell Bent
3 I'm Gone
1 Love/Hate Sensation
5 Out of Control (State of Emotion)
3 Red Man
1 Siren
3 Sunday After You
3 Yeneh Ababa (Rose)

3 Baptized in Blacklight
3 Be Still
3 Better Wise Up
3 Daylight
1 Face the Gun
3 Face the Gun / Good Luck
1 Loose Wires
2 Loose Wires / Blink Radio
1 Love-Hate Sensation
2 Man Fading
3 Never Let Me Down
3 New Sacred Cow
2 Phantom Always
1 Rockaway Life
5 Say Goodbye to Love
2 Static
3 Sun Red Sky Blue
5 Vexed and Glorious / A Better Control
3 War in Me
3 Wide Awake
3 Within Earshot