Jethro Tull Astronomy

The middle lane has trapped my car in red-light claustrophobia. I slip the shackles, cut the rope --- stand naked with a telescope as the cat walks alone under a big sky. Against the dark so thin and white --- gonna be a big sky night. Miss Galileo, come with me and view the new Astronomy. Black hole dressing on salad plate --- quasar at the kissing gate. Now the cat, he walks alone under a big sky. Umbrella dome pin-pricked in lights --- gonna be a big sky night. My spectacles, my white lab coat --- my coffee, thermos and my notes. I pat my pockets. I got the keys to the secrets of the observatory. And closing the door, I feel a new dawn as the darker slides align --- you to yours and me to mine. And now you stand, assisting me --- I can touch what I can see, see, see. I look in wonder, I feel no shame --- see the consequences of the game. Expand the universe. Head for the Big Bang. Reach for my switch and shout --- gonna turn the big sky out. There's got to be astronomy. Astronomy.