| |
Alatar - Forgotten Wizards II |
Awakening |
Beneath the Waves |
Daughter of the Sun |
Doom and Oblivion |
Dwimmerlaik |
Elessar's Call |
Epic Dreams |
Exile the Daystar |
Ghân of the Woods |
Green Dragon |
Guardians |
Gwaith-i-Mírdain |
Into the New World |
Khazad-Dûm, Part 1 (Ages of Mithril) |
Khazad-Dûm, Part 2 (Silent Caverns) |
Longing Horizon |
Mask of Flies |
Moontower |
Ocean's Elysium |
Pallando - Forgotten Wizards I |
Ride With the Dragons |
Storm of the Blades |
Summon the Wolves |
The Cloak and the Dagger |
The Great Gathering |
The Green Maid |
The Star of High Hope |
The Tale of the Downfall |
Third Immortal |
Touch of Green and Gold |
Voice of the Fallen |
We Are the Legions |