| |
(F.L.I.P.) |
(I'll Be) Taking Care of Grampa |
... |
[Disembodied Solo] |
[Fast Jam] |
[Nunchaku] / Toys |
[Pinchface Talks to the Audience] |
[unknown] |
[untitled] |
10.1 |
10.2 |
10.3 |
10.4 |
10.5 |
10.6 |
10.7 |
10.8 |
11.1 |
11.10 |
11.11 |
11.2 |
11.3 |
11.4 |
11.5 |
11.6 |
11.7 |
11.8 |
11.9 |
12.1 |
12.2 |
12.3 |
12.4 |
12.5 |
12.6 |
12.7 |
12.8 |
13.1 |
20th Century Boy |
4.1 |
4.2 |
4.3 |
4.4 |
4.5 |
4.6 |
4.7 |
4.8 |
5.1 |
5.2 |
5.3 |
5.4 |
5.5 |
5.6 |
5.7 |
5.8 |
5.9 |
5-Card Trick |
6.1 |
6.2 |
6.3 |
6.4 |
6.5 |
7.1 |
7.2 |
7.3 |
7.4 |
7.5 |
7.6 |
8.1 |
8.2 |
8.3 |
8.4 |
8.5 |
8.6 |
8.7 |
8.8 |
8.9 |
9.1 |
9.2 |
9.3 |
9.4 |
9.5 |
A Dead Brain's Pulse |
A New War Is Underway |
A Real Diamond in the Rough |
Acoustic |
A-Cycle Light-Ray Cannons |
Advance to the Summit |
Allowed to Play |
Alpha Sea |
Aluminum Clouds |
Andrew Henry's Meadow |
Angel Monster |
Angiobanjiplasti |
Appenzel Pointed Hood Hen |
Aquabot |
Arc of the Pendulum |
Armour Piercing Projectile |
Astral Traveler |
Asylum of Glass |
Atlantis Found |
Aunt Suzie |
Bag Some Game |
Bansheebot Bop |
Bantam Rising |
Baptism of Solitude |
Baseball Buddy |
Baseball Furies |
Bedlam's Bluff |
Big D's Touch |
Binge and Grab (instrumental version) |
Bird With a Hole in the Stomach |
Blood Bayou |
Bloodless |
Bloody Rainbow Spiraling Sherbert Scoop |
Blue Marbles Moon |
Blueprints Theme |
Botnus |
Box Elders |
Breakfast Cyborg |
Brewer in the Air |
Broken Mirror |
Bruised Eye Sockets |
Bucketbots Jig: Bansheebot vs. Buckethead |
Bucketbots Jig: Bucketbots Jig |
Bucketbots Jig: Enter Slipdisc |
Buckethead Side |
Buckethead's Chamber of Horrors |
Buckethead's T.V. Show |
Buckethead's Toy Store |
Buckethead's Toystore |
Buddy Berkman's Ballad |
Buddy on a Slab & Funeral Time |
Burlap Curtain |
Callbox |
Can You Get Past Albert? |
Can You Help Me? |
Carcass Cable |
Caretaker of Memory |
Carpal Tunnel Slug |
Carpal Tunnel Tomb Torker |
Caution Drop |
Centrum |
Channel of Secrets |
Chaos of the Unconscious |
Checkerboard Incision |
Chicken for Lunch |
Circarama |
Citadel |
City of Woe |
Col. Austin vs. Col. Sanders a.k.a. Red Track Suit |
Collecting Specimens |
Collision |
Colma |
Combat Shadow |
Conveyor Belt Blues |
Cookies for Santa |
Covert |
Crash Test |
Crash Victim/Turbine/Hog Bitch Stomp/Voodoo Child (Slight Return)/Pure Imagination/Making Christmas/Tommygun/Bombtrack |
Crouching Stump Hidden Limb |
Cruel Reality of Nature |
Cubes, Chunks & Crumbles |
Datura |
Davy Jones Locker |
Dawn Appears |
Dawn at the Deuce |
Death Card |
Decapitation |
Descent of the Damned |
Destroyer: Speed Flux Quadrant / Inclusion / Exhaust Release |
Digger's Den |
Dinging / Ah-Ji-Jee |
Disecto |
Disembodied, Part 1 |
Disembodied, Part 2 |
Distilled Scalp |
Don't Use Roosts If You Raise Broilers |
Down A Darkened Hallway |
Dream Darts |
Droid Assembly |
Droid Factory Conveyor Belt Ambush |
Earth Heals Herself |
Earthling Fools |
Ed's Rhapsody / Midnight Dance / Jars |
El Topo Side |
Electric Bell Blanket |
Electric Tears |
Electronic Slight of Hand |
Elephant Man's Alarm Clock |
Embalming Plaza |
Eraserhead |
Escape From Inbred Mountain |
Excerpt #1 |
Excerpt #2 |
Excerpt #3 |
Excerpt #4 |
Exit 209 |
F# |
F-4 Phantom |
Fear of Salt |
Ferris Wheel Apology |
Final Wars |
Fizzy Lipton Drinks |
Flee Flicker |
Flock of Slunks |
Flying Finger Fury (In the Coop) |
For Mom |
For Mom (early version) |
Forensic Follies |
Forgotten Trail |
Formless Present |
Fountains of the Forgotten |
Four Rivers |
Four-Sided Triangle |
Foxy Lady |
Frankenseuss Laboratories |
Freezer Burns |
From the Foxholes |
Frozen Brains Tell No Tails |
Frozen Brains Tell No Tales |
Fun for You |
Funk Tune |
Funkaslunk |
Funkin' Freak |
Furnace |
Ganryu Island / Sasaki's Gone |
Ghost |
Ghost Host |
Ghost, Part 2 |
Ghosts Upstairs |
Giant Robot Finale |
Giant Robot Theme |
Giant Robot vs. Cleopat |
Giant Robot: Enter Guillatine |
Giant Robot: Giant Robot Theme |
Giant Robot: Giant Robot vs. Guillatine |
Giant Robot: Interlude |
Gigan |
Goat Host |
Goblin Shark |
Gorey Head Stump & Nosin' |
Gory Head Stump 2006: The Pageant of the Slunks |
Greenskeeper |
Grimm's Sponsorship |
Guillatine Battle |
Guts & Eyeballs |
Hall of Records |
Hall of Scalding Vats |
Hanged Man's Lament |
Haunted Farm |
Haunted Mansion Intro / Can I Have a Ride? |
Health & Safety Advisory |
Help Me |
Hills of Eternity |
Hog Bitch Stomp |
Home Run Derby: Interlude |
Home Run Derby: Main Theme |
Hook & Pole Gang |
Humans Vanish |
I Can Only Carry 50 Chickens at a Time |
I Come in Peace |
I Like It Raw |
Ice Pick Through Eyes |
Iceman |
Imprint (Dedicated to Takashi Miike) |
In Search of Inbred Mountain |
Infiltration |
Interview With the Double Man |
Intro |
Intro to Bucketheadland (Theme) |
Intro: Park Theme |
Intro: Park Theme Extension |
Inward Journey |
Island of Lost Minds |
Jengamoose |
Jessy |
John Merrick-Elephant Man Bones Explosion |
Johnny |
Johnny Be Slunk |
Jowls |
Jump Man |
Kangaroo Kranes |
Kansas Storm |
Karake: Earth, Wind, & Fire |
Killing Cone |
Killing Mask |
King James |
Korova Binge Bar |
Kurtz Temple |
La Grima |
Last Train to Bucketheadland |
LeBron |
LeBron's Hammer |
Let's Go to Wally World |
Listening Device |
Little Gracie |
Lobotomizer (Scariest Rollercoaster of All Time) |
Lone Sal Bug |
Longing |
Lost Threads |
Lotus Island |
Lunartics |
Lurker at the Threshold, Part 1 |
Lurker at the Threshold, Part 2 |
Lurker at the Threshold, Part 3 |
Lurker at the Threshold, Part 4 |
Machete |
Machete Mirage |
Machine Gun/The Star Spangled Banner |
Mad Monster Party |
Magua's Scalp |
Malagueña |
Mannequin Molds |
Mantaray |
Materializing the Disembodied |
Mecha Gigan |
Mego Frankenstein |
Memories Of Forgotten Dreams |
Meta-Matic |
Moths to Flame |
Mud of the Gutter |
Music Box Innards |
Mustang |
Nappler Radar |
Needle in a Slunk Stack |
Next Stop, the Shell |
Nottingham Lace |
Nun Chuka Kata |
Oakridge Cake |
One |
One Tooth of the Time Train |
One-Way Ticket to Grab Bag Alley |
Onions Unleashed |
Open Coffin Jamboree |
Operation Gateway |
Padmasana |
Pepper's Ghost |
Pet Chikin Jam/It's a Small World After All/Frosty the Snowman |
Pickwick's Lost Chapter |
Pink Eye |
Plankton |
Plans Within Plans |
Plastination Station |
Plunger |
Pollywogs Dancing On A Quilt Of Faces |
Population Override |
Premonition |
Pullets On Parade (Million Chicken March) |
Pumpkin Pike |
Pylon Shift |
Pythagorus Sled |
R.I.P. |
Rack Maintenance, Part 2 |
Rack Maintenence |
Rattlesnake Hill |
Realistic Coop Replica |
Reaping the Whirlwind |
Recreational Cryonics |
Remember |
Remote Viewer #13 |
Reopening of the Scapula Factory |
Return of Augustus Gloop |
Revenge of the Double Man/[Funk Jam] |
Rim of the World |
Robot Checkerboard |
Robot Dance |
Robot Flight |
Robot Foot Pursuit |
Robotic Chickens |
Rooster Landing (1st Movement) / Lime Time (2nd Movement) |
Sail on Soothsayer (In Memory of Aunt Susie 1932-2007) |
Sanctum |
Scapel Sled |
Scraps |
Sea Wall |
Seaside |
Separate Sky |
Serape |
Shadows Between the Sky |
She Sells Sea Shells by the Slaughterhouse |
Shell Substitutions |
Shock Therapy Side Show |
Siege Engine |
Silhouettes Against the Sky |
Sketches of Spain (for Miles) |
Skids Looking Where |
Skull Scrape |
Sky Drones |
Slaughter Buddies Outside the Revenge Wedge |
Slaughter Zone Entrance |
Slaughter Zone Exit (feat. Albert) |
Slaughter Zone: Alice in Slaughterland |
Slaughter Zone: Bleeding Walls |
Slaughter Zone: Buddy in the Graveyard |
Slaughter Zone: Buddy on a Slab |
Slaughter Zone: Cattle Prod |
Slaughter Zone: Diabolical Minds |
Slaughter Zone: Funeral Time |
Slaughter Zone: Gorey Head Stump |
Slaughter Zone: Hook & Pole Gang |
Slaughter Zone: Nosin' |
Slaughter Zone: Nosin', Part 2 |
Slaughter Zone: Oh Jeez... |
Slaughter Zone: Phantom Monk |
Slaughter Zone: Skid's Looking Where |
Slaughter Zone: Steel Wedge |
Slaughter Zone: Sterling Scapula |
Slaughter Zone: The Haunted Farm |
Slaughter Zone: The Rack |
Slaughter Zone: Wonka in Slaughter Zone |
Sled Ride |
Sleeper Agents |
Slow Shifting Highway |
Slunk |
Slunk Parade a.k.a. Freaks in the Back |
Slunk Shrine |
Slunk Smuggler |
Sneak Attack |
Sonic Slaughter |
Soothsayer |
Soothsayer (Dedicated to Aunt Suzie) |
Sourced Autonomy |
Space Mountain |
Spell of the Gypsies |
Spirals |
Splinter Dissection |
Splinter in a Slunk's Eye |
Spokes for the Wheel of Torment |
Spooner Arks |
Squid Ink |
Squid Ink Part 2 |
Star Wars |
Stay Out of the Shed |
Stick Pit/A Pirate's Life for Me |
Stolen Identities |
Stretching Lighthouse |
Stub Pylons |
Stun Operator |
Stun Pike and the Jack in the Box Head |
Sucked Under |
Sundial |
Sunken Statue |
Super Human |
Swamp Boy Square Dance |
Symmetrical Slug |
Taxidermy Tots |
Thai Fighter Swarm |
The Android of Notre Dame |
The Ballad of the Inside-Out Face |
The Battery Cage Brawls (Cage Announcer: The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln; Winner Has to Eat His Way Out) |
The Beheaded |
The Bight of Benin |
The Black Forest |
The Blind Centipede |
The Blind Sniper (Fred Rogers) |
The Bronze Bat |
The Cliff's Stare |
The Cobra's Hood |
The Corpse Plower |
The Cuckoo Parade |
The Escape Wheel |
The Fairy and the Devil |
The Hills Have Eyes |
The Hills Have Headcheese |
The Kingdom of Nie |
The Last Ride of the Bozomobile |
The Miracle of Surrender |
The Other Side of Midnight |
The Rack & Alice in Slaughterland |
The Ravines of Falsehood |
The Redeem Team |
The Return of Captain EO |
The Shape vs. Buckethead |
The Shriek of Revenge |
The Slunk, the Gutter, and the Candlestick Maker |
The Spider's Web |
The Sticker on Hallucinogens |
The Stretching Room |
The Treeman |
The Triangle, Part I: Extrakd |
The Triangle, Part II |
The Way to Heaven |
The Worm Turns |
Three |
Three Headed Troll |
Thugs |
Tide Pools |
Today's Schedule |
Too Many Humans |
Towel in the Kitchen |
Trail Of Misconception |
Transmission Miscommunication |
Transportation Options |
Traveling Morgue |
Trunk of the Tree |
Under Sea Scalp |
Unemployment Blues |
Unrestrained Growth |
Unsound Methods |
Vacuum Tube Implant |
Viravax |
Virtual Reality |
Virtual Reality (2nd version) |
Virtual Reality, Part 1 |
Virtual Reality, Part 2 |
Vladimir Pockets' Incredible Bloated Slunk Show |
Walk on the Moon |
Want Some Slaw? |
Warweb |
Watching the Boats With My Dad |
Wax Paper |
We Can Rebuild Him |
We Cannot Guarantee Bodily Harm |
Welcome |
Welcome to Bucketheadland |
Whirlwind |
Whitewash |
Who Is the Enemy |
Who Me? |
Who Me? (early version) |
Wishing Well |
Witches on the Heath |
Wondering |
Wonka in Slaughter Zone |
Woo |
Woods of Suicides |
Wormhole Collapse |
Wormwood's Workshop, Part 1 |
Wormwood's Workshop, Part 2 |
Yellowed Hide |
You Like Headcheese? |
You Like this Face? |