
4 Autoerotic Asphyxiation
4 Babykiller
2 Choking on Bile
3 Festering Vomitous Mass
3 Fucked to Death
2 Molesting the Decapitated

2 Anal Electrocution
2 Butcher the Weak
1 Choking on Bile (demo)
2 Devour the Damned
1 Fed to the Pigs
1 Festering Vomitous Mass (demo)
2 Fuck Her Head Off
1 Kill That Fucking Bitch
3 Masturbating at the Slab
2 Postmortal Coprophagia
1 Self Disembowelment
1 Self Disembowlment
3 Serial Cocksucker
2 Shroud of Encryption
1 Shroud of Encryption (demo)
2 Tomb of Scabs
1 Unleash the Carnivore